William & David’s trip to the USA

This is all about what we hope will be the holiday of a lifetime to the USA in July 2013.  We’ll start with a couple of acknwledgements, thanks, without-you-this-wouldn’t-have-happened sort of remarks: first to our friend Melanie,


whose idea it was to create a blog in the first place; I, with my supposed technical expertise, was still thinking in terms of tatty notebooks with photographs pasted in, but most of all to our wife and mummy Rachel, whose dearest wish it was to visit the country where she spent so much imaginative time, but who had to leave us, far too soon, last year.  We intend to have a roaring good time in her sweet memory.


“let her face be seen
not mortal now but of a lasting grace.”

8 Responses to William & David’s trip to the USA

  1. Isabel Enticott says:

    Have a fantastic time x

  2. Ade Bates says:

    Have a fab time! Ade and Sal

  3. Cathy Giles says:

    Hope you had a good flight and are now settled into your ‘artsy’ hotel in NY. What a brilliant idea of Melanie’s to set up a blog of your trip. I am sure you will have an amazing time. I will be thinking of both of you handsome chappies roaming the Eastern states of the US as well as dearest Rachel, who would be so thrilled to know you are there. Looking forward to more posts! Much love xx

  4. Anne Frick says:

    It sounds great so far, when do you get to drive? I hope it’s a better car than Dan Dooley’s! (and has whoo whoos).

    love, b.b.

    • Tomorrow (Thurs 11th). I’ve still got the brochure and receipts from Dan Dooley in the archive – and now can’t believe how much prices have come down since then. 10 days in the eastern USA are much cheaper than 7 in Donegal, 11 years ago. Just hope it won’t be another Hyundai Flymower.

      • Anne Frick says:

        Not sure if prices have come down, they were always much more expensive in Ireland than in the USA. They vary so much from country to country, last year 2 weeks car hire in Spain cost about £140, and it was a decent little car (bright yellow, which helped to find it).

  5. Sarah Harman says:

    Hello David and William. I’m really enjoying reading about your adventures. It sounds as if you’re being very cultured. Perhaps you should have packed your cat proof armour! I look forward to hearing what happens next.
    Sarah (Harman)

  6. Anne Frick (Auntie Anne aka bb) says:

    It all sounds wonderful so far. Has anyone told you about the weather here though? it was supposed to be 32 degrees today and still is 29 apparently. Too hot even in the shade for us, and as of this morning we have Harry Hound for a few days and he doesn’t like it. Threat of thunder too, which he dislikes even more, hey ho. We are off again (to near Tavistock) on 28th, would like to come and see you sometime this year, maybe with said hound. I don’t think Pat would like that bridge!

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