A poem




Yellow RattleYarrow2010032318202049cCreepingCinquefoilFlowers Scottish Thistle (NATF 0032)ox-eye-false-sunflower-1  Viper's_Bugloss_flower

This is roughly where we plan to go –


although it may work out quite differently when we get there.

Other arrangements are nicely in place now.  The £ is climbing against the $, yippee, although still not quite to where we bought our currency, phew.  Homework has involved trying to understand US traffic regulations – still not sure of the one where you can turn right/left through a red light; will wait to have infuriated horns blown at me from behind.  Have read 2 books about the Civil War – Monmouthshire Libraries’ entire stock, in fact – John Keegan’s American Civil War, exhaustively researched, as one might expect, but like so much military history suffering from strangely inverted moral values, celebrating Sherman as perhaps the greatest general of the war, where “greatest” means the one who first got the idea of visiting terror on civilian populations.  Also John Bowen’s History and Battlefields of the Civil War – lots of very interesting pictures, but written in a strangel illiterate folksy style and completely lacking in maps which would help to make sense of this most complex and widespread of conflicts.