Last morning

A poster in our Bagel Express amuses us every time we see it; it’s about treating victims of choking and suggests the following ways of recognising the condition:

  • The victim collapses
  • The victim cannot move or speak
  • The victim turns blues

“Well, ah woke up this morning…”  Quick, slap him on the back!  (Or, depending on musical taste, strangle him.)

Well, we really did wake up this morning; this room has a much quieter aircon unit than the old one, so apart from the 3.30am NYPD city-wide siren test, we had a good sleep… and went down to Bagel Express for breakfast… and sat on the wall outside on our pedestrianised street… and watched the circle of (Buddhist?) students gather at the tables for their morning meditation… and watched down the vistas of 25th St the yellow cabs whizzing by –  Bah, nostalgia ain’t what it used to be.

Checking out now, off to Calvary & St George again (W looking forward to communion), then a couple of hours to kill before subway to JFK, using our mysteriously high-in-credit Metro Card (our theory is that we ought to have been running it through the ticket barrier once for each of us, rather than both squeezing through together.)

See you all at home.  Thanks for following.

D& W x

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